EOG Res. has finally officially completed a mid-Bakken H well that has lived up to the hype. The company has completed its Bartleson 1-3H well, sec. 3, 152N, 90W, Mountrail Co., for 1,800 bbls/day and almost a half million cfg/day. This surface location of this well is about a mile south of the discovery well in Parshall field that EOG drilled last year in sec. 36. The Bartelson well has made just over 50K bbls after producing for 104 days since it was put on production in November '05. EOG is developing this area on 640 acre spacing units. If other operators were bringing in wells of this caliber in other parts of the state, the Bakken Formation could live up to the hype of not only having hundreds of billions of barrels of oil in place, but also that a good percentage of that actually could be recoverable.