I theorized (along with probably untold others) that such a collapse area existed in the Murphy Creek area in west central Dunn Co. due to the presence of the Heart River Fault in the area (one of the few major faults in the Basin), and also becau

This fracture system has apparently been confirmed by the first Marathon well to be drilled in the area, the Hecker 21-5H, sec. 5, 144N-96W in Dunn Co., which was drilled last year about a mile and a half west of the Adobe well. The Marathon well hit the same "fracture" in the lower Lodgepole at almost the same sub sea depth (6 ft.

Indications are that there may be some high volume producers in this area where the fracture system is more extensive or better developed. It's something worth watching to see how it all pans out.

Are you talking about the Tracker Resources well in section 4, 144n 97w ? You wrote previously about the low spot in 144n 97w.
THOMAS 4-1H that well is looking good too. It has just been completed and there's definetly been some oil tankers moving out of there.
I think it is the same well
No The hecker well is 5 miles east of the tracker well.
Thanks Larry & Teegue for info on confidential dates. I am curious as to why some wells are confidential and some not. Seems like it would be hard to keep information a secret.
Yeah, the entire immediate Murphy Creek area certainly appears to have the potential of having enhanced fracturing, but only the drill bit can confirm that. I don't have any info about the Tracker well except they were planning on using a stage frac whereas Marathon wasn't (isn't?). Tracker also has an offset planned but hasn't gotten a drilling permit yet.
Andy, confidential status is usually designated by the operator when they apply for a drilling permit or if not at that time, at any later time during the six month period. Dry hole status isn't hard to discover, but production info is a little different unless you want to count tanker trucks coming and going 24/7. The entire tight hole concept doesn't really apply to a play like this were everything is leased. It's real usefulness is for the company to pickup additional leases around a wildcat discovery well before info gets out and prices get out of control. It really has no place in field development situations, but hey, if it's available, why not use it.
Confidential status is what allowed EOG to lease most of the lands in Parshall, Shell, Wayzetta, and Austin Townships without the other oil companies knowing EOG had found the motherlode in May 2006.
"Yeah, the entire immediate Murphy Creek area certainly appears to have the potential of having enhanced fracturing, but only the drill bit can confirm that"
What about geochemical signatures? Can they not provide strong evidence of fractures?
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