Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Let's Test That Seismic Anomaly, Shall We? Mountrail Co.

Robert Griffon and his partners are currently re-entering a dry hole to drill a lateral that transverses a "bright spot" or an area that 3D seismic indicates has an anomaly in the fracturing properties of the Bakken. This well, being developed on a 320 acre drilling unit in the southeast quarter of sec 23 and northeast quarter of sec.26, T.151, R.89, is about six or seven miles southeast of EOG's current development in Parshall Field. Griffon thinks that the brighter areas as depicted on the seismic data indicate a higher level of fracturing or porosity than the darker areas. We shall see how well this interpretation works out for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I like that spacing!