Friday, June 1, 2007

Burlington/Continental Res. Join List Of Companies Finding Excellent Wells, Dunn Co.

In its First Quarter Report, Continental indicated that its State-Weydahl 44-36H well sec. 36, T147, R96 north of Killdeer in Dunn Co. (see map 3/21 Oakdale area post below) flowed at initial rates as high as 1,000 bbls/day and continued flowing at 560 bbls/day after ten days of production. The company either got a very good frac job on the well or encountered some excellent natural fracturing or porosity in the area. Continental also reported that its Filkowski well in central Billings Co. in the Fairfield area was completed for approximately 300 bbls/day. Burlington Res.and Continental apparently have some joint working agreement involving their Bakken acreage. They join the growing list of companies with impressive Bakken completions recently.

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